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Musical Theater
Cast Parties!
Costumes Provided!
Live Accompaniment!
Scenery Painting!
This program provides an opportunity for exploring many facets of musical theater within a positive, creative environment. A spirit of cooperative camaraderie is encouraged, with the rule of no making fun at another's expense strictly enforced. Students learn the process of preparing a musical production by example and experience. Instruction for the development of improvisational skills and movement on stage through theater games is provided as well as vocal technique and solfege. Set design/building and make-up application are incorporated in the program. Each class culminates in the performance of an entire musical. Admission is charged for each of the shows to help defray the costs of production, including live piano accompaniment for performances (no taped accompaniment). Tickets may be purchased in advance or at the door. There is no minimum number to buy, but it is hoped that everyone will come out to support our young thespians and singers!
Children's Musical Theater: 5 1/2 -7 yr olds
Middle Musical Theater: 8-11 yr olds
Teen Musical Theater: 12-14 yr olds
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